Product problems creating anxiety?

Anyone can create a product, but to create a product that users value and delight in, that drives revenue, has growth potential, compliments existing products, enhances brand awareness and cachet, and isn’t a huge pain to build, is hard. In fact, it’s quite stressful and enough to make someone CRAZY!

No worries – I have the therapy you need.

Join me for a live podcast where you are the subject—well… your product problems are. Each episode, I listen to attendees as they share their toughest product related issues and seek my advice. It can be anything product oriented like envisioning, developing, launching, improving, growing, and monetizing products. Maybe it’s managing the relationships and demands from the product org, IT, stakeholders, investors, and customers.

Shows are hosted on LinkedIn. To find out when the next episode is scheduled, connect or follow me on LinkedIn.

If everything in your world is going swimmingly and you have no product problems, join us anyway, there’s always something interesting you can use in the future.